Physical education

Movement Analysis
Included in the Movement Analysis bundle…
An 18 slide PowerPoint presentation created for students to understand basic movements, movement analysis, to explain the joints involved and the sequence in which the movements occur. This resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one - three lessons.
A worksheet designed to test students knowledge on four movement processes. Two documents are attached - the quiz & quiz answers.
A worksheet created for students to consider when movement is used and which sport this will be recognised within. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5.

Basic Movement Presentation / Activities
An 18 slide PowerPoint presentation created for students to understand basic movements, movement analysis, to explain the joints involved and the sequence in which the movements occur. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3&4. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one - three lessons.

GCSE PE Movement Quiz
A worksheet designed to test students knowledge on four movement processes. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons. Two documents are attached - the quiz & quiz answers.

Movement Analysis Worksheet
A worksheet created for students to consider when movement is used and which sport this will be recognised within. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one lesson.

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Factor Quiz
A PE resource including 23 Sports Science (intrinsic or extrinsic) questions with answers to follow. The quiz is an essential for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover sports science further. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for KS4.

Fitness Circuit
A fitness circuit created for any sports area. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5. The fitness circuit may be printed and hung around the activity space to remind students of the activity they are to complete within their area.

Bocce Session
A Sport resource including Bocce lesson plan, handouts and quotes for white boards. The resources are an essential for both theory and practical lessons in understanding Bocce. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners, including session content, direct literature quotes and how a coach can suit individual needs, e.g. Autism = Reward positive behaviour. Time-out zone. Provide alternative physical activity. Talk softly. Keep the session relaxed. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for all ages, including university students.

Sports Science Quiz
A PE resource including 26 Sports Science questions. The quiz is essential for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover sports science further. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for KS4.

Sports Injuries
A PE resource including nine sports injuries and 3W & H. The worksheet is an essential for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover why, what, where and how injuries occur. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for KS4.

Street Dance Bundle
Included in the Street Dance Bundle…
A 28 slide Street Dance PowerPoint. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance through the years. The PowerPoint includes many YouTube clips, the street dance movement and definition, as well as images! The resource also includes instructions, definitions of hip-hop etc. roles and responsibilities of an audience and performer. The resource has been created for a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, dependent on the ability of students, intended for KS3 & KS4.
A dance resource created for students to score one another at the end of performances! Scores range from 1 - 5. Created for all ages and abilities!
A Street Dance resource created for both practical and theory lessons! The resource includes twenty popular street dance movements including their definitions, ready for students to put these into a table of their own to create a routine!

Street Dance Motif
A Street Dance resource created for both practical and theory lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance through the years. The resource includes twenty popular street dance movements including their definitions, ready for students to put these into a table of their own to create a routine! The resource has been created to assist a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, dependent on the ability of students, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Dance Peer/ Self-Assessment
The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to assess their own performances and others. The resource includes dance terms for students to rate themselves against out of ten and a strengths and area for improvement section. The resource has been created to assist a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Street Dance PowerPoint
A 28 slide Street Dance PowerPoint. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance through the years. The PowerPoint includes many YouTube clips, the street dance movement and definition, as well as images! The resource also includes instructions, definitions of hip-hop etc. roles and responsibilities of an audience and performer. The resource has been created for a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, dependent on the ability of students, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Zumba Workbook
A Zumba Workbook created for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to assess performances and become familiar with dance specific terminology! The workbook includes a title page, objective/ assessment page, levels (3-8), dance dictionary and overall assessment (strengths, areas for improvement etc). The resource has been created for a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Score Cards
A dance resource created for students to score one another at the end of performances! Scores range from 1 - 5. Created for all ages and abilities!

Dance Terms
A Dance resource designed for both teachers and students! The resource includes 14 defintions including the title, description of term and images. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance terminology. The resource has been created to assist a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis intended for KS3 & KS4.

Dance Terminology Match-Up
A Dance resource including dance specific terms and definitions. The worksheet is an essential for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover the terminology used within this subject! The answers have also been attached for teacher purposes and for students to possibly mark their own worksheet. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Dance Around The World
A Dance PowerPoint studying Dance Around The World. The 38 slide PowerPoint is an essential for both practical and theory lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance across the globe! The PowerPoint includes many definitions of contrasting dance styles, questions for students, print outs and clear instructions on how to create posters etc. The resource has been created for a SOW lasting on a six week basis, dependent on the ability of students, intended for KS3 & KS4.

Evolution of Dance
A Dance PowerPoint studying the Evolution of Dance. The 27 slide PowerPoint was created for virtual learning purposes, an essential for lockdown! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover dance through the years. The PowerPoint includes many YouTube clips, the proposed layout of the fact file to be created as an end product, questions students must answer through researching online and instructions on a weekly basis in consideration of the 50’s - 90’s era and 21st Century Dance. The resource has been created for a SOW lasting on a six to twelve week basis, dependent on the ability of students, intended for KS3 & KS4.